You will notice that I infested this forum with ads, hopefully it will end up paying for renewing the domain. I went ahead and renewed the domain a couple months ago because I can't let go of this place just yet.
Also, I like for this place to be here in case I ever feel like going back and reading old posts. Just curious, does anyone ever check the old anymore? I looked at it for the first time in forever yesterday, and I got pretty sad when I was reading the old posts. ProBoards V5 made it ugly, but so much of my life is on that forum. The general chat topic was basically my daily journal. Time has flown by. The original forum was created on July 29th, 2009, so it's been almost six years. I joined UDK on August 30th, 2008, so it's been almost seven years since I joined my first forum. I was 12 years old then, and this Friday will be my 19th birthday. We're all growing up and it's scary as hell.
It's great to hear that you're graduating, Car! I loved graduating. One of the happier moments of my life. It's right up there with seeing LeBron get those rings, Super Bowl XL, and Super Bowl XLIII. Assuming Ozzie is doing good in school, he will be graduating as well. If I remember correctly, 209 has another year until he graduates. HRSox is a junior in college, and I'm a sophomore in college. Nascar/wingnut should probably be finished with college now. We're adults.
Things have been going well for me. I got through my first year at Trevecca, and I will be returning next year. I was debating transferring to Belmont because it is much nicer and it's right next to Vandy in downtown, but don't want to leave my college buddies. I got out of school a couple weeks ago, and I'm still a cashier at Walmart. I only work Friday/Saturday/Sunday, so I have an abundance of free time this summer, unless I expand my availability.
Seriously, it's awesome to hear from you, Car. I like that you are updating us with what's going on in your life. Have you decided on your college plans yet?