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Because of snow?
I hope you're enjoying your time off. :P

I have a four day weekend coming up, so I am doing good. I am just trying to get through these four days of school. One day down, three to go.
Cameron said:
That's awesome.

We got an inch of snow on Friday night and Saturday morning, but all the snow melted by like 10:00 AM.
an article from 1/2714 estimated we've gotten 80in this year, we've gotten about 12in since then. a typical winter in my area sees about 75in of snow, this is the case for many areas across Michigan and the U.S. on a brighter note i heard on the radio today that next year has a 3/4 chance of the return el nino, which means mild dry winters for us. This has been the worst winter i ever remember (I'm almost 21), some say its the worst since 1978 when the blizzard of 78 hit.

last week i cracked the screen on my galaxy s3 which i have had for just two month, thankfully i put the extended protection with ADH, which covers accidental damage. gonna wait until spring break, which starts 2/28, to send it in though so i don't have to use a backup phone when i am at my busiest
Cameron said:
The snow keeps going above or below us. It's very annoying. :P
must be nice. im so sick of it, we have piles that in some places are 20feet high, their is nowhere to put it.
I love snow. :(

We still have five snow days that I would love for us to use. I just checked the ten day forecast, and it looks like it won't be cold enough for snow over the next week or two. Hopefully we can use the rest of these snow days in February and March. Also, I graduate on May 23rd. It's hard to believe that is a little bit over three months away. :o
yesterday on my drive to work i couldn't see anything, i was lucky if i could see 10feet in front of me. Nothing like hoping you don't hit somebody or get hit. It went from being clear to full whiteout in 10minutes. as for the snow days, many schools here are adding days onto the year already. i have heard if the university closes one more time (we've closed 3) they owe us money since we are entitled to so many instructional hours.
Car889 said:
Wow, it must be great that you're going to graduate.

I have mixed feelings about it. I was looking forward to it, but I am finally starting to realize that there are quite a few people that I will probably never see again after I graduate. I am going to miss a few people.
spring break finally. wait its colder than its been all year (air temps at -10 to -20 plus windchill making it dangerous) and they call it spring break? pure Michigan. :D :P after calc exam today a new major sounds better each day.
Cameron said:
Hey guys, my Spring Break is next week. :cheer:

Moss44 said:
Meh. We need more activity.

The forum is dead. :P
been through a couple of life cycles for forums now. going to bed now after finishing most of hw, up in 4hrs for 18hour day. road trip was fun but long.
this brought some tears to my eyes...

2firefighters were killed in an arson with tennts inside.

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