Well, it is now July 18th, 2014. As I already said a few times, I graduated from high school about two months ago. So... What am I doing with my life?
Right now, I am working as a cashier at Walmart. College starts in a month, and I am not sure if I will keep my job once college starts. I'm living on campus, so I will probably only be able to work on the weekends. If I can keep my job while going to college, that would be great. If not, that is fine too. I'm only making $7.65 an hour, so it's not like I would be missing out on a whole lot of green either way. Where am I going to college? Uhhhh... I have to decide that ASAP. I had a little bit of a change as far as religious beliefs go. I was extremely depressed a few months ago, and my sadness inspired me to become a real Christian. So yeah, I'm no longer the alone/tragic Cameron that you guys know and love.
I applied to four colleges and got accepted into them. I got scholarship offers from them. One of the colleges was Hampden-Sydney College (a fancy all boys private college in Virginia). They had an amazing scholarship offer. The college is basically for rich kids who aren't smart enough to get into one of those elite universities like Harvard or Yale. Whenever I explain the college, I say that it is a college for dumb rich kids. Another college was Austin Peay State University, and that is where my brother goes. I have not officially rejected Austin Peay yet, but I have pretty much decided that I won't be following in my brother's footsteps. Austin Peay actually has their big freshman welcome day on Saturday, and I won't be there. Even if I was going to Austin, I actually have work on Saturday anyways.
The other two colleges are private Christian universities in Nashville. Lipscomb University and Trevecca Nazarene University. As expexted, both colleges are pretty expensive. I got decent scholarship offers from both of them, and I guess it has come down to these two. If you pay attention to statistics and stuff, Lipscomb easily beats Trevecca. Trevecca is going to be a few thousand dollars cheaper though, and I already have a couple friends that go to Trevecca. On the other hand, I don't have any friends at Lipscomb. Hopefully, I'll make new friends in college anyways, but not having anyone to lean on in the beginning will probably make adjusting to the college life harder. Lipscomb's move in day is on August 10th, and that is a little bit over three weeks away. It's crazy that college is so close and I haven't even committed to anywhere yet. Trevecca's move in day is like August 24th... That's another plus for them.
I need Lipscomb and Trevecca to give me the final word on a few things, and that is when I will make my final decision. Hopefully, I will have my decision made in the next couple days. I definitely waited until the last second.
Moss44 said:
Hey, if anyone is still on here, I made a baseball blog called Analysis MLB.
Check it out: analysismlb.wordpress.com
If you like it, give me some feedback or give it a follow on twitter @Analysis_MLB!
Hey Moss, your blog looks great. Good luck with it. I have followed your Twitter account, and I read a couple blog posts. I've been pretty busy lately, but I will try to check your blog every couple days to see what's going on.
wingnut said:
forgot what summer was, still in class for a couple of weeks. got a month off before starting all over again
How are things going with you? :cheer: