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Hey guys, I changed my username. :D
Expecting 6-10inches of snow tonight and subzero temperatures tomorrow morning again. Schools will probably close on monday due the extreme cold (almost -10 air temp and wind chill near -25). I hope the university closes monday, another day off wouldn't hurt.
Hey guys, I went to the BBVA Compass Bowl in Birmingham today. :)

wingnut said:
Expecting 6-10inches of snow tonight and subzero temperatures tomorrow morning again. Schools will probably close on monday due the extreme cold (almost -10 air temp and wind chill near -25). I hope the university closes monday, another day off wouldn't hurt.

Sounds awesome. :)

Chriskarate said:
Sup guys, I thought I would check in once again. Just now realizing that I made an account here last March.. :P

Hey Chris! Welcome back. :)
many closings today which isn't a shock. wind chills are nearing -30 and are expected to reach over -40 in some places. After today its possible we could have 2feet of fresh snow. a 10-20minute drive from work took almost an hour last night.
I went back to school last Thursday (January 2nd), but I didn't have school Friday, Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday. We have had four straight snow days, even though we have gotten very little snow. We got Friday off because of ice. We got Monday and Tuesday off because of dangerously cold temperatures. We got Wednesday off because there was still ice on a few roads. The extended Christmas break has been fun. It sucks that I have school tomorrow though.
a lot of schools closed today, but most colleges and universities opened for the new term. The roads were a solid sheet of ice so I could have gone without it today. Ice is worse than snow or slush
i am feeling so in over my head right now, i feel behind the first two weeks of classes after not being with it mentally. i know its not too late to turn it around, but its a big hill to climb. Got an exam and a quiz in two days, barley know any of the material for either. I have two papers due this weekend, thankfully the one I can BS. I just hope I come out of this with decent grades, I can't drop any class since I will run into issues with my scholarship dropping below full-time. i really hope i get the extra help i had last semester, if not it will be an uphill battle with profs that can't teach.
Sorry to hear that. Good luck with school. :)

It was five or six degrees this morning, so my school opened two hours late. I was pretty happy about that. Now the weekend is finally here. :)
failing 2classes right now, both apply to my major so its gotta change. on my 3rd snow day of the semester, 1st time 15 in over 15years WMU has closed 3times in one month.
We were out of school on Tuesday because of the cold temperature. It is actually supposed to warm up now though. This week has been very slow.