Mountain Dew or Mellow Yello

Mountain Dew. I used to drink it every day, but I've cut back and haven't had one in months. I never could drink Mellow Yello, though I did hate Mountain Dew at one point too so... Idk, I may eventually like it too.
I totally pick Mountain Dew. In fact, I have a case of Mountain Dew in my fridge. Mountain Dew has great flavour to it and it also has quite a bit of sugar to give you that extra boost.
When I was a teenager, my dentist (who passed away a few years back) used to tell my step-dad (who passed away in 2011) that I was, and I quote "Mountain-Dew-aholic" because I used to drink so much of it back then. I still need to cut down, but in all honesty, I would much rather be a Mountain Dew aholic than the average alcoholic! There's loads of crap things worse out there that people can get into.