Last video game you played?

I have started playing NBA 2k8 on the Xbox some. I have had the game for a couple years, but I have always played the PS2 version. As expected, the Xbox 360 version is way better. The PS2 version is too easy.
I have just been playing a demo not the full game it was Dead Space 3 im going to buy it as i liked it very much
Ozzie said:
I just finished Bioshock Infinite. Ahhh. I have no words.
Right? Speaking of which, I just watched this video. You oughta check it out. Definitely worth watching.


The last game I played was MLB 13: The Show. Road to the Show mode is so addicting.
Gran Turismo 5! I has excellent graphics and of course, awesome cars. I am in the A Class. I am trying to complete it.
MLB 13: The Show again. I just virtually won the World Series. I feel so accomplished, yet so unaccomplished. :winktongue:
nhl13 360, be a pro in ohl just 2points shy of 2points a game about 1/3 through 1st season. Due to the age I made my player I will have to be in OHL for another year, hoping for over 250points in OHL regular season career. Making my own line changes helps, played ~40min a game on 3rd line and continued on way to top line. i play rookie since i am too lazy to player harder.

also last week wrapped up AHL Calder Cup with Griffins and Stanley Cup with Wings. Simulated most of season, swept NHL postseason with GAA around 1. Played as little as I needed to in AHL, only when trailing in must win games leading to 2 6game series 1 7game and a sweep of the finals thanks to NHL finals being done.
I played Playstation All-Stars: Battle Royale at my cousin's house the other day. So ridiculously fun, especially with friends. :D
Last video game I played was Batman Arkham City.

I think it is a really good game just like Batman Arkham Asylum.
I'm still playing World of Warcraft. I'm on the Warlords of Draenor Expansion and getting ready for Legion. It's been pre-ordered since the day they announced the option to do so. I'm hoping the game releases at the same time as or close to the time that the Warcraft movie comes out (this June).
The last video game I played was Minecraft. I went adventuring and found an abandoned mine shaft. I killed lots of mobs inside of it. :3 I wanted to find diamonds, but I only found a bunch of iron. My friend was building his house while I did all that (we play on a multiplayer server). XD I almost got lost and couldn't find my way back, but then I finally found the tunnel I had made to get there. XD It was quite fun.