iOS apps


Face of the Franchise
Feb 10, 2013
I'm sure many of us own some sort of apple device. (Iphone, Ipad, Itouch). If you do, what apps do you like to use? What games do you play? What is your most used app on your device?
I like to use Pandora and iHeartRadio for the most part. And I play Pocket God. My MOST use app would prolly be Pandora though. Facebook in second lol
The Twitter app is probably my most used app. I occasionally try out different free games, but I haven't really found any that I haven't gotten bored of after a while. I use Pandora sometimes.
I play Minecraft PE occasionally. I usually use twitter though and sometimes Pandora and IHeart Radio. I have a bunch of free and 99 cent apps too
Lol I am not much of an iOS fan, but I still do play some iOS apps occasionally. My top apps would be Fruit Ninja, Jetpack Joyride, Mincraft PE, and maybe even PunchQuest. They aren't very fun, but they still are something. I usually play these apps when I am traveling, or do not have access to a PC or XBOX. ;)
I enjoy using the Facebook app. It's easier than using Safari. I also enjoy using the Gmail app. iOS apps are awesome and they have an amazing design. I don't download many games, but I have downloaded the Infinity Blade, Need For Speed, Sims ( :P ). I cannot say that the games are very good. I like playing games to my iPad because of the Retina display. I like the idea of AppStore a close shop only for Apple devices. The only disadvantage of AppStore and generally of Apple is that many apps are paid while GoogleStore doesn't have many paid apps. Anyway.
It's interesting that this topic was started a few months back.

The Apple App market is in full run again. The announcement of iOS 7 has sent developers on their feet. It's going to be interesting to see what's popular now. :)
Now a days I am using lot of apps but some are here Photoshop Fix, Uber, snapchat, cash and some games i.e. PKT ball, sparkwave, looty dungeon and many more.
I have games like Stack, PVZ2, Color Switch, Four Letters, Turn, and O2Jam U installed on my iPad. I also have teacher-essential apps like Teacher Kit to help me with my grade recordings in class. I have also installed Word, Powerpoint, and Excel.