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Go watch Naruto , The walking Dead or you could watch Chuck. I'm not as lucky as you are as i have watched all of that :'(
Penguins won another stunner, no surprise.
Sorry about the inactivity, guys. I was at a friends house over the weekend.

So today is a snow day for some reason. We only got maybe an inch... but I'm not complaining. :P

On Saturday I was playing baseball and pouring water on myself to cool down, and the next day it was freezing, windy, and snowing. That's some good, ol' fashioned Cincinnati weather for you.
It's Holy Week, so I'm gonna be attending plenty of long ceremonies until Sunday. Then I have break, and it's gonna be wonderful.
exam went OK today, think i did even better than last exam. i got a month until my first year of college is done. :o
that moment when you realize your original backup set of retainers don't fit like the original set you've been wearing for 1.5yrs
I became kind of hooked on that Bible show on the History Channel recently. I hear it's based on a book... might have to check that out sometime.