Ever hit a homerun?


Just Drafted
Jul 5, 2013
I'm interested in seeing how many people have actually hit home-runs before. I came close before but I never actually hit one. I'll be lucky just to hit a baseball because I'm not best player when it comes to hitting the baseball or catching... running is something I can do though! So what about you guys? Have you ever hit a homerun?
I hit a in-the-park home-run in fifth grade and it was one of my greatest sporting moments ever.
I've hit some balls over the fence at a park by my house in a pick-up game.
Never played baseball on an actual team. I've played a couple pick-up games, but the best I've ever done is a triple that was 20 ft. or so from the warning track.
Never have. I doubt I ever will though. But's better to hope. If I don't I may never!

Hopefully I will get good enough to actually hit a homerun. :)
I don't play baseball anymore, but when I did, I don't think I ever hit a home run over the fence. I remember getting a couple inside the park home runs, but statistically, they were more like doubles or triples with fielders making errors on the play.
I've hit a few over the fence on a competitive team. I'm mostly a gap hitter and with my speed I hit a lot of doubles and triples.
When I was in sixth grade, I was very unathletic and just stunk at any sport. I was always picked last in gym class. On the last week of school in gym class, we played baseball. I dreaded being up but was very mad at a classmate because he was making fun of me. I imagined the ball was his head, and long behold, I actually hit a home run!