What system do you play?

Poll Poll What gaming system do you play?


    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • PS4

    Votes: 1 100.0%
  • XBOX 360

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • PS3

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Wii

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • PC

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Face of the Franchise
Feb 10, 2013
If you play videogames, what system do you have and play?
I play PS3 primarily as well. I occasionally play the Wii with my siblings though, and I spent quite a bit of time playing Skyward Sword.
My brother built a really nice gaming computer that I use every now and then (mostly for just Minecraft).

But yeah, I still play PS3 a lot more.
I probably primarily use the Xbox 360 as that is what I have Madden 13 on, but the PS2 is very close behind it. I like to play NBA 2k8 on the PS2 sometimes. :)
Nice question. I myself, is a gamer. I play on many consoles, but mainly PC and XBOX. The two of them just appeal the most to me. To any other steam users, add me! (Jinxwizard)
I play a lot of things. I do not play as much video games as I used to. Presently, I play mostly PC games because I am always on my computer during work stuff. It is more convenient that way. I used to play Pokemon on Nintendo Game-boy. It was an addictive game.
My vote was for the Xbox 360 i have other game consoles but i mostly play on this game console the most
I use my PS3 mostly I haven't used my PS2 for a long time since the summer I think and I want to play it a little again. I also have a PS Vita which I use quite a bit, but the PS3 is my number one system for just gaming.
I use to play on Nintendo and Sony consoles growing up, but when Microsoft introduced Xbox and Xbox 360, I have been addicted to it ever since. I have tried out the PlayStation 3, but me being a Multiplayer gamer, I didn't feel PlayStation could compete with Xbox 360. The online communities are completely different. I feel Xbox 360 is more active and provides a better atmosphere.
Viper said:
I use to play on Nintendo and Sony consoles growing up, but when Microsoft introduced Xbox and Xbox 360, I have been addicted to it ever since. I have tried out the PlayStation 3, but me being a Multiplayer gamer, I didn't feel PlayStation could compete with Xbox 360. The online communities are completely different. I feel Xbox 360 is more active and provides a better atmosphere.
I probably prefer Xbox 360's online over PS3's, but that's to be expected when you're paying monthly for it. That's why I'm hoping the PS4 can be a bit more like 360 when it comes to online integration. I still would take PS3 over it any day because it's hardware is more impressive, I like the exclusives more, and online is free.