More sub-boards?

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Hall of Famer
Feb 12, 2013
Any way we could add sub-boards to basketball and football for college sports? Whenever I go into the basketball board I feel like I'm in a mixture of college and pro..
I understand what you mean, but I do not think sub-boards are the way to go. Perhaps we could expand "Sports" into two categories? A category called "Professional Sports" and a category called "Collegiate Sports" could work? Then we could have "NBA," "NFL," "MLB," "NHL," and "MLS" in the Professional Sports, and "College Basketball," "College Baseball, "College Football," and "College Hockey" in the Collegiate Sports. I don't think we would be able to support this with the current activity state of this community, but at the same time, I don't think sub-boards would be very effective.
You should be able to support it fine, my community is the same size as yours more or less, and we have categories for every division! I think the activity level will keep up just fine.
Not sure College Baseball or College Hockey would be that active because not that many people follow them. NCAAB and NCAAF could work though.
2787cmt said:
I understand what you mean, but I do not think sub-boards are the way to go. Perhaps we could expand "Sports" into two categories? A category called "Professional Sports" and a category called "Collegiate Sports" could work? Then we could have "NBA," "NFL," "MLB," "NHL," and "MLS" in the Professional Sports, and "College Basketball," "College Baseball, "College Football," and "College Hockey" in the Collegiate Sports. I don't think we would be able to support this with the current activity state of this community, but at the same time, I don't think sub-boards would be very effective.

Yes, it can become way too crowded. I would only use sub-forums for general sports subjects, such as "Football Players" or "March Basketball". Something like that.
With the activity issues lately, I think it would be best to avoid adding any new boards or sub-boards right now. When activity picks up, we'll see how things go then. So, thanks for your suggestion, but for now, we won't be doing this. I have archived this. Feel free to make this topic again in the future.

Thank you.

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