Interrogation Station


Cam'tn Crunch
Feb 4, 2013
Nashville Kats
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Vanderbilt Commodores
Hello, my name is Cameron. In this topic, you may question me. :D
2091401 said:
What's your favorite video game ever?

I don't know, Super Smash Brothers on the Nintendo 64, probably. My brother and I played it constantly when we were little. :)

Homerunsox2005 said:
What do you want to be when you grow up?

I am still undecided, but I have been very interested in the journalism program over at Western Kentucky University lately. I think I might want to be a journalist, and Western Kentucky has one of the best journalism programs in the country. It is also only about an hour or two away from here. :)

Kiiu said:
Do you like dogs?

I love animals, especially the basic pets in America: dogs and cats. :)