Good Age to Play Soccer?


Just Drafted
Sep 1, 2013
So, I have a four-year-old son. His name is Wyatt. This little boy is very hyper and aggressive almost all the time. That said, we've been looking into finding him a sport to play. We know that baseball and football have a "little league" type thing, but does soccer? What is an appropriate age for a child to start playing?
That's the perfect age! The earlier the better, but of course it's never too late.

Soccer is a great outlet for kids. They may not be too coordinated with it at that age, but it's still a lot of fun.
I gotta say there is no specific age to start playing soccer. As long as you love the sport and are willing to train and dedicate yourself to the sport then by all means start playing. My dad is 54 years and he still plays. I started playing when I was like 7 years old.

But I gotta say, the younger they start the better.
I do not think there is a good age to start it.... But I'm Brazilian, and we practically start playing it when we learn how to walk! Anyway, I think is a great sport and you should give a try and I hope this will help you two.
I don't think there's a specific age where someone can finally play a sport. As long as he's interested in it, or if he's totally capable in playing a sport, then go for it. Even for a 4 year old kid such as your son, it's definitely appropriate for him to play soccer, as long as you don't force him into doing it.
hafiz93 said:
I don't think there's a specific age where someone can finally play a sport. As long as he's interested in it, or if he's totally capable in playing a sport, then go for it. Even for a 4 year old kid such as your son, it's definitely appropriate for him to play soccer, as long as you don't force him into doing it.
Not forcing the kid to do a sport is a good advice in this case, but I would really recommend you to gently "force" him through some sports at least. Even dance!
It is not about the age but about sacrifice and whether you are willing to take the chances. You as a parent have to be supportive in all situations and maybe one day your kid will be a professional player. I was very talented, with some genetic perks like stamina. I was DMF and at a very young age I could have played two games in a row at high tempo. However, my mother was always keeping me at home when it was colder, or raining or even windy. I couldn't go to practice and my coach just had to let me go of the team. I could have been very good. So, when the id is ready you let him play but always understand what professional sport really is.
Four years old would be a good age but you need to make sure they are in good health. I'm a huge baseball fan myself; however, even I can admit that soccer is the most physically taxing as aerobic exercise goes. Make sure you take them to a doctor first and get him checked out although I'm sure he's fine. Water and hydration is key as well, or Gatorade for that matter. Make sure he is all set and let him have fun!
That is definitely the perfect age. Being exposed to the sport and other team mates at a young age will instill many qualities down the road and he'll definitely learn one way or another. Just make sure he doesn't get hurt!
We played soccer and even Australian Football young here - about 4 or 5 from memory, just as we were starting kindergarten or 1st grade. I think it's great for a number of reasons. It helps kids burn off energy, it teaches them about team sports and how to be both a gracious winner and humble when you lose, and it's a way for them to make friends. Lots of great reasons to start them in team sports around that age.
Four years old sounds like a perfect age to be introduced to sports. Any age is a good age to start playing soccer, it doesn't matter if you're 4 years old or 40, if you enjoy playing, age doesn't matter. I think I personally started playing at about 6 or 7 years old, and I played for about 3-4 years before I lost interest.
There isn't any good age. If he enjoys it, then it is the right age! You mention that he is very hyper. This can help burn off that hyper-ness. Later on, it can help burn fat and gain muscle.

So yeah. Let him loose! If he doesn't like it then try other sports!
I started playing soccer at 6 and I feel that's the best age to start playing soccer. A child of that age is to a large extent physically developed to undergo the body rigours of playing soccer.