Recent content by Aaron Carter Fan

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    Ask Ashley

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    What are you listening to?

    Asuki Hinoi Wanna Be Your Girlfriend
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    Ask Ashley

    Coca cola
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    Official General Live Chat

    Well, lesson learned here is always write down your passwords someplace and keep them put away somewhere so only you know where they are and what they are. Kind of hit home with me right there that's for sure. This  is one thing I've always hated about MyBB: It's hard to quote people directly...
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    Last video game you played?

    I've been steadily playing Pokemon White 2
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    Ask Ashley

    Still open to questions!
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    Can't Stay Logged In

    OK, I don't know what's going on here, but now it's allowing me to stay logged in both on my desktop and phone. This can be archived for the time being but I'll let you know if it happens again. Or are you guys done renovating? Maybe that's what helped it was when all the renovation died down?
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    What are you listening to?

    We Are Called by David Haas
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    Favorite Song?

    I think I can honestly say I've never heard of any of thosesongs
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    Official General Live Chat

    Gah talk about something making you want to pull out every last bit of hair in your head: went to register a second hotmail account to kind of have as a sort of throwaway address for odds and ends crap. So, I registered a new email [email protected] if anyone feels like hitting me up by...
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    Name Food from A-Z

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    What are you listening to?

    1 2 3 4 by Feist
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    Taylor Swift or Justin Bieber?

    Taylor Swift. Justin Beiber sucks. He's a rich spoiled pest who's had tons of runins with the law already and he's not even in his 30s yet. I mean, I like some artists who have had run inside with the law but I still love/like them because they don't make a huge scene about having a criminal record.
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    Can't Stay Logged In

    Ok I'm on my phone at the moment but when I get on our desktop and try again.
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    What are you listening to?

    God Must Have Spent A Little More Time On You by NSync.